Nijgadh-8, Bara
Second Terminal Examination - 2072
Subject : Compulsory English
Class: 11
(Eleven) Time: 3 hrs. F.M/P.M-100/35
are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks
Attempt all
the questions:
Correct spellings of the following words. |3|
Decieve, grammer, beleif, greatful,
immidiately, foriegn
(b) Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct
word from the pair given in brackets. |3|
My doctor has a private ______. (practice , practise)
Don’t get off the bus until it is ______. (stationery, stationary)
When does the new law come into ______? (effect , affect)
Arrange the following words alphabetically: |3|
photo , photograph , photographer ,
photogenic , photosynthesis , photographed
(b) Put the verbs in brackets in the correct
forms: |3|
The girl ______ (get) married six months ago.
If you drop it, it ______. (break)
Everyday Sarah ______ (go) to her college by the bus.
3. Write a
paragraph describing a place you've recently visited. |5|
4. Attempt
any two of the following questions: |2x10=20|
a) Write a newspaper article on
"the advantages of having a single child." (Speaking of children)
b) What is migraine headache? Write its symptoms and treatment.
(In Bed)
c) Sketch the character of Armando
Gonzalez. (Fear)
5. Attempt
any three of the following questions: |3x5=15|
a) Make a comparison between Roberto
and Rosa Soto. (The Lost Doll)
b) Why did Helen Turrell tell
lies to her neighbours about her own son? (The Gardener)
c) In one sentence summarize the
poem 'My Heart Leaps UP when I Behold".
d) Who is Dr. email Braun? How
old is he when he visits Elda?
6. Read the
following passage and answer the questions given below: 5x2=10|
Water is the most important natural resource that Nepal possesses,
although most of it is yet to be exploited. Nepal has more than 6,000 rivers
with a combined run-off of about 200 billion cubic metres (BCM). If properly harnessed,
this resource could make substantial contribution to the socio-economic
development not only of the people of Nepal but also of millions of people
living in the countries of South Asia, especially Bangladesh and India. The
Ganga is the natural drainage of the water flowing from Nepal. The overall
contribution of the rivers flowing from Nepal to this mighty river is 46
percent of its flow. During the lean season it is as high as 71 percent. The
relationship in water resources between the two countries, i.e. Nepal and
India, exits at both people-to-people and official levels. The people-to-people
relationship has existed since time immemorial whereas the official level
relationship based on available records, dates back by over 1010 years.
Pashupatinath on the banks of the Bagmati river, Barahachhetra on the
banks of the Kosi river and Devighat on the banks of the Narayani River are
some of the places of pilgrimage in Nepal for the people of India. Similarly
the Ganges at Rishikesh, Haridwar and Prayag (Allahabad) and Gangotri and
Yamunotri are some of the pilgrimage sites in India for the people of Nepal.
The people of both countries reverse these rivers. They believe that they can
meet their life time ambition once they take a dip in the water of these holy
rivers, although at present once could question the quality of the water. Jagat
Mehta, former foreign secretary of India, rightly says, 'Nepalese even aspire
to die on the banks of the Ganga.'
a) If properly harnessed, what
could be the role of rivers of Nepal?
b) What are the places of
pilgrimage in Nepal for the people of India?
c) The relationship in water
resources between Nepal and India exits in two levels. What are they?
d) Mention five pilgrimage sites
on the banks of rivers in India for the people of Nepal.
e) Write the full forms of BCM.
7. Attempt any two of the following questions: |2x10=20|
a) Write a newspaper article (in
about 200 words) on a famous town in Nepal an d describe what tourists can do
b) Write a review of a film you
have recently seen or a book that you have recently read.
c) Write a letter to your friend
describing a trade fair (Mela) you have
visited. |5|
8. Change the following adjectives into nouns. |5|
patient , ambitious , strong , tactful ,
9. Join the following pairs of sentences using too as shown in the
example. |5|
Example: He can't climb the
stairs. He is too weak.
He is too weak to climb
the stairs.
a) We arrived late. We could not
get any dinner.
b) Don’t get married yet. You're
too young.
c) Don't eat that bread. That is
d) He spoke very fast. I could
not understand him.
e) You'd better not sit on the
ground. It's damp
10. Write similar comparison conversion as in the example. |5|
Exercise : Snoring
A: Would you mind not snoring? I'm
B. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that.
trapping her/his foot.
b) speaking English.
c) blowing smoke in your face.
d) interrupting you
e) humming songs
11. Change the following sentences into passive. |3|
a) His newspaper pays him a huge
b) They publish all his
c) They send him all over the