Why do Hindus Celebrated Tihar ?
Tihar, also known as ‘Dipawali’ or ‘Diwali’ is one of the main
festivals of the Hindus. It generally falls on the month of October or
November. It is also called the festival of Lights as everyone decorates their
house with colorful lights, candles and oil lamps creating a beautiful view.
According to the legends, when Lord Ram defeated Ravan and
returned from his fourteen years long exile along with his wife sita and
brother laxman, whole Ayodhya celebrated their return by decorating their
housed with lights. Since then, it is being pratised every year by the Hindus
all over the world as a celebration for victory of good over evil.
Tihar is celebrated for Five days. The First day of Tihar is
called ‘Kaag Tihar’. On this day, crows are worshiped and fed. The second day
is called ‘Kukur Tihar’ where dogs are worhiped and given tasty treats to eat.
The third day is ‘Laxmi Puja’. On this day, Cows are worshiped in the morning
and the goddess of wealth, Laxmi Mata is worshiped in the evening. The Next day
is ‘Gobardhan Puja’, Where Bulls are worshipped. Finally , the last day is
called ‘BhaiTika’. In this day where sister worship their brothers and prepare
different sweets and treats for them. In return, the brothers express their gratitude
and love through gifts.
In tihar it also include ‘Deusi Bahilos’ where People visit houses to sing dance and
everyone gets enjoy. Fireworks can be seen in the sky and every house is lit up
with beautiful lights. It is truly a marvelous festival.